Selasa, 01 November 2011

we call this "close friend"

maybe we are not good enough to be good friend..
we don't know how to show that we care..
maybe we are too stupid to make this situation more complicated

we know we have wrong way to said what we want to said
we just want you to know..just want you to change your character

i know i have much bad character too..of course..

but now cause we love you 
we want you to have more good personality
and same
if you love me or
if you love us,your best friend..

you should give us input if we wrong

don't think we are not love and care about you..
don't think you are alone..

we past everything together..

when you have a problem,, we always in ur there for you ,right..

we care about this friendship

but now something trouble come..

and sometimes storm must come to give us conflict..

and what we must doing with this conflict?? just simple,,
accept..and settle it..
and we will grown-up
and be mature person..
mature friendship...

sorry that we ever make mistake,, and sorry ever don't like with your personality..

whatever the just trust with us..that,,
we love you....

don't be shy to say hello
don't be shy to give us your good smile....
and we will give you big smile and big hug too dear..

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